Mine to Take

An ENE Review of the novel
Mine to Take by Dara Joy


Reviewed by JZ Sharpe

Over the past year or so, I've read a number of futuristic romances, a curious blend of genres between romance and science fiction/fantasy. For someone like me, it's the perfect blend -- but like good coffee, it's got to be done right! After all, a savvy reader in this genre has probably not only read a few romance novels, but is familiar with the classics in science fiction, fantasy, and mythology, too. So the tendency is to judge on more than just the heat of the romance.
I picked up Mine to Take after having thrown aside another futuristic romance which shall remain nameless. Talk about going from the ridiculous to the sublime. Dara Joy flawlessly creates two breathtaking characters, ignites real sexual tension between them (not the senseless, silly kind found in many other stories), and gives them some real obstacles to overcome, too. It begins as Gian, a male member of the sensual Familiar species, is held prisoner by the evil Karpon. The beautiful Jenise is also imprisoned by Karpon, although not shackled to the wall like Gian; Karpon has hatched a plan to rule her country and force her to become his mate, too. The freedom-loving Jenise will have none of this! So she hatches a plan of her own, which involves rescuing Gian and escaping with him. But, as she will find out, her plan has life-changing consequences.
Lately, whenever reading a romance, I've taken to putting bookmarks at the sensual scenes. Some books get away with only a couple marks (how sad). Mine to Take, on the other hand -- well, I gave up! The first flash of passion was in chapter two (thank you for not making me wait, Ms. Joy), and it was one non-stop sensual smorgasbord from then on. So where do I get me one of those Familiars, anyway?
Mine to Take came highly recommended by several sources, and I can only repeat the recommendation. It's a must read!
Mine to Take

Mine to Take by Dara Joy is available for purchase through Amazon.com

In a galaxy far, far away, beautiful Jenise will do anything to escape marriage to her late stepfather's evil brother, Karpon. When she discovers that Karpon has captured a powerful shapechanger, Gian Ren, she decides to make him an offer he can't refuse. Gian Ren has been drugged, stripped, and chained to a wall. Despite his circumstances, Jenise is wary, for even chained the shapechanger is formidable. Surprisingly, he accepts her unusual request that he deflower her in exchange for her aid in escaping. Gian passionately accomplishes his part of the bargain and within moments, the two set off on a perilous journey, fleeing from Karpon and his soldiers. Mine to Take has action, adventure, and enough steamy sensuality to light up the night sky. H-O-T!

For the past five years, JZ Sharpe has been making up for the time she lost in a 20-year writer's block. She lives in the Pennsylvania mountains, where most of her friends and coworkers would be shocked and amazed by her secret life as a writer of erotica and science fiction. JZ Sharpe is a regular contributor to ENE. You can also find her work at About's Amateur Erotica, Adult Story Corner, Biblio Eroticus, Blood Moon Zine , Dare , Erotica Readers Association, HotErotica.Com and Scarlet Letters . Get lashed by the Sharpe Tongue.

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