Palette is Copyright © 1998 B.K. Bilicki.
This story may not be distributed without the author's permission.
Comments welcomed - grmouser@execpc.com or visit the author at
The Reality Corridor
Gentle strokes
over a yielding canvas
of flesh and spirit

Sketching the outline
of you

fluid lines
sharp angles
delicate curves
coming together

my fingers sweep over you
committing every inch
to memory

The wonder of it all

The hard
the soft

smooth dryness
glorious wetness

I want to wrap myself in you
fill myself
with every detail
of you

And the colours
what marvels they promise

The faint moon-glow
of your skin

The darkening hue
as breast meets nipple

Vibrant pink
hiding between
thighs of alabaster

The icy blue tang
of your eyes
as they whisper to me
your love

Come to me
my darling one

Let me paint you a picture

For you are the palette
which colours my soul
Palette is copyright ©1998 B.K. Bilicki.
This story may not be distributed without the author's permission.
Comments welcomed -grmouser@execpc.com or visit the author at
The Reality Corridor
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